The Scientific Council plays a crucial role in guiding the strategic and academic direction of ESITC Paris. Comprising professors, researchers, and industry experts, the council ensures that our research and educational initiatives align with the latest developments and needs of the construction sector. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and maintains the relevance of our programs.


| Council Composition

○ Mr. Antoine LECOCQ, Director of ESITC Paris

○ Ms. Sabrina PERLO, Director of Studies

○ Mr. Emmanuel NATCHITZ, Director of Development

○ Mr. Jean Michel TORRENTI, Director of Research


| Scientific Members

○ Mr. Fabrice GATUINGT, Professor at ENS Paris-Saclay, President of the Council

○ Mr. Jean-François SEMBLAT, Deputy Director of the Mechanics Unit (UME), Head of the Energy Mechanics Department at IP-Paris, ENSTA Paris

○Mr. Fernando LOPEZ-CABALLERO, Head of Master's Programs at CentraleSupélec, Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Master's Program (MSROE), Paris-Saclay University, MSSMat Laboratory, CentraleSupélec

○ Mr. Frédéric RAGUENEAU, Director of Research and Development, EPF

○ Mr. Régis MOILLERON, Director of LEESU, UPEC-ENPC

○ Mr. Yassine El MENDILI, Head of the Sustainable Construction Materials Team, ESTP Research Institute


| Industry Representatives

○ Ms. Laure REGNAUD, Director of the French Concrete School

○ Ms. Céline GEORGES, Innovation Manager at Eiffage Construction


○ Mr. Antonio VIEIRAEiffage Construction

○ Mr. Vincent WALLER, Quality Director, Unibéton

○ Mr. Stéphane BRÛLÉ, Director – Rhône-Alpes & Auvergne Region, MENARD FRANCE


| Institutional Representatives

○ Mr. Philippe GOTTELAND, Deputy Technical and Research Director, FNTP - National Federation of Public Works

○ Mr. Pascal BODET, Technical Director, EGF BTP - National Union of French General Building and Public Works Companies


| ESITC Paris Faculty Members

○ Ms. Marion LAMBERT, Lecturer-Research

○ Mr. Tarek CHIKER, Lecturer-Research

○ Mr. Frédéric LAMY, Lecturer-Research

○ Mr. Badreddine EL HADAJJI, Lecturer-Research

○ Ms. Robine CALIXTE, Lecturer-Research