The purpose of the Conseil de Perfectionnement (professionnal development council) is to bring together, once a year, various stakeholders to help the school develop the training it provides and the directions it needs to take to ensure that its teaching programmes are in line with the needs and expectations of companies in the sector
| Qualified Personality College
♦ Mr Pascal BODET, Chairman of the Board - Technical Director EGF.BTP
♦ Mr Fabrice MILLOT, Director of CCCA BTP
| ESITC Paris Management College
♦ Mr. Olivier AUCOUTURIER, Director
♦ Mr. Antoine LECOCQ, Study Dean
♦ Mr. Nicolas BERNA, Deputy Study Dean
♦ Mr. Emmanuel NATCHITZ, Director of Development
| Companies Representative College
| ESITC Paris Research College
♦ Mr Jean-Michel TORRENTI, Director of Research
♦ Ms Sabrina PERLO, Director of Training and Research
♦ Ms Thouraya SALEM, Teacher-Researcher
♦ Ms Christina KHALIL Teacher-Researcher
| International College
♦ Mrs. Sophie TIPHANGNE, International Manager ESITC Paris
| ESITC Paris Teaching Staff
♦ Mr Philippe VION, Ponts Design Professor
♦ Ms Sybille MOLLER, Head of Languages
♦ Ms Svetlana VUJOVIC, Environment Teacher
♦ Mr Philippe PAVIS D'ESCURAC, Mathematics Teacher
♦ Mr Bruno CZERWINSKI, Teacher of General Construction
| ESITC Paris Alumni College
♦ Mr Arnaud RICARD, President of ESITC Paris Alumnis (Alumni Association)
| ESITC Paris College of students engineers
♦ The President of the Student Office
♦ Each class is represented by its "Z" (class leader)